3 Shady Things Some Farmington Hills, MI Listing Agents do to Get Homeowners to Sign a Listing Agreement

3 Shady Things Some Farmington Hills Listing Agents do to Get Homeowners to Sign a Listing Agreement

While it may seem like listing agents are doing sellers a favor by agreeing with unreasonable demands instead of being upfront about the whole thing, it isn’t fulfilling their fiduciary responsibility to act in the sellers’ best interest. Unfortunately, sellers are unaware of the impact their decisions and demands may have until it is far too late in the process.

While not always pleasant, it is much less of an emotional roller coaster to have realistic expectations from the start and enter into a mutual agreement with your eyes wide open. We have gathered the most common mistakes and experiences of home sellers to help you avoid these costly mistakes. Read on as we discuss three of the shady things some Farmington Hills listing agents do to get homeowners to sign a listing agreement.

Agree With Emotionally Valued Sales Price

An emotionally valued sales price is one that the owners feel their property is worth and not based on factual appraisal values or the fair market value coming from running the numbers on an educated comparison of similar properties nearby that have recently sold. If a listing agent simply agrees to list for the emotional value, they may be counting on a great deal of time passing with your overpriced home sitting on the market to then convince you to lower the sales price as your concern increases. Online buyers quickly become acutely aware of the current market value of properties and simply scroll by if the price is too high. Seasoned professional buyers like those at Fast Home Offer Guys understand how much your home means to you, and this is why we are completely transparent with every figure used in our cash offer. We also want you to have all of the facts, so the direct cash buyers at Fast Home Offer Guys will also tell you how much you’d profit by listing on the market. At Fast Home Offer Guys, we want you to make an educated decision about which method of home sales is best for you and your family for your unique circumstances. 

Accommodate Sellers Demands 

Often sellers are confident that the standard demands of today’s listing agent are unnecessary, and they attempt to take charge of nearly every role of a listing agent. Especially true in marketing, sellers cannot fully understand the importance of high-quality digital photography with 360-degree virtual tours for online marketing and competing in a technologically advanced marketplace. Nor do they believe the proven sales strategy of prepping and staging a property is worth the hassle and expense. Some Farmington Hills listing agents get homeowners to sign a listing agreement by allowing the seller to take charge of the listing; doubtful that the home will sell for the total market value. A real estate agent has the job of bringing you a qualified buyer who can pay top dollar. You’re working with a highly qualified cash buyer when you sell your house directly. Any concerns about the buyer receiving loan approval, appraisals. the hassles of showings, and the marketing expenses go out the window. Direct home buyers like those at Fast Home Offer Guys can let you pick your guaranteed closing date in a few weeks or less if you’re ready. 

Switch Out

Another one of the shady things some Farmington Hills listing agents do to get homeowners to sign a listing agreement is to lead sellers to believe that they, a top listing agent, will personally handle the listing and are therefore worth their high real estate commissions. But, in reality, they’ll be handing it over to a junior team member who is learning the ropes on your listing while the top agent is on their way to another listing appointment. Nothing is more frustrating than having to start at the beginning with another agent explaining details in the attempt to be heard when they hold one of the most significant transactions of your life in their hands as well. Working with a direct buyer like those at Fast Home Offer Guys means no switch-out because you’re working directly with your buyer, and there won’t be any commissions to come off your sale price at closing. In addition, when you sell directly to Fast Home Offer Guys, you won’t have any other expenses, no worries about repairs, contingencies, or closing costs.

The direct cash buyers at Fast Home Offer Guys won’t pressure you, nor will you experience any of the shady things some Farmington Hills listing agents do to get homeowners to sign a listing contract. Our goal isn’t to have the most listing agreements per year but to help you, our neighbors in Farmington Hills, solve problems and find solution that fits you and your family. When you talk to one of our direct buyers at Fast Home Offer Guys, they stop everything and listen. At Fast Home Offer Guys, we understand that communication is the key to successful teamwork; our full-service team works with you to help make selling your home an easy way. We focus on you, the seller because at Fast Home Offer Guys, we want you to feel good about the deal long after leaving the closing table. At Fast Home Offer Guys, we take pride in improving our community and increasing home values, one homeowner at a time. Call Fast Home Offer Guys at (248) 590-3040.

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